Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's been a while....

So guys, not sure what happened to Hannah, or if there's actually anyone there to read this but....


Otherwise I would be posting every week, but here's some stuff I have been up to

Winter mani's

Candy cane nails? Yes, these are super easy. I figure I don't really need to do a tutorial since you guys know about my scotch tape tricks for stripes.

Icicle nails, kinda.

These use the scotch tape trick, but are a little harder. If you want a tutorial comment or email me.

This is a rope belt I made. Just a basic knot and twists. However it is a pain to get on and off.

If there are any requests, comment or email what you'd like me to do :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Splatter Paint Nails

            Alright, so recently I have seen a lot of posts on blogs and pinterest about splatter paint nail polish, so I decided to try it out...

You will need a base color, and two or three splattered colors
a straw
lots of newspaper or something to put underneath your nails

Paint your base color (i chose silver) and if you want to make cleanup easy, line your nails with tape.

Next, drop a blob of one of you colors on a piece of paper or a paper plate

Now dip your straw in the nail polish, and make sure there is a film across the bottom. 

Now blow SHARPLY above your nail. It may take a lot of practice, it took me a few tries to get it right.

Now do the exact same thing with your other color and you should get something like this:

I think they turned out pretty awesome with lots of school spirit! more school spirit nails to come

P.S watch out for the mess this makes ;)

Fire Nails

These nails are super easy, and perfect for fall! I love them, and I love fire too :) Sorry there aren't many pictures, hopefully it'll be super easy to do and figure out when you see how.

For this you will need a yellow/gold, orange, and red, plus any other top coat you'd like

Step 1: start with a gold or yellow base on your whole nail.

Step 2: Use your orange and paint towards the tip, but not all the way

Step 3: Use a red or two to create the bottom of your flame

I absolutely LOVE how mine turned out, by far my favorite fall mani :)

E-mail me for any requests for anything nails, hair, fashion, or just plain advice!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Find your Season

Finding your season can be a little complicated, it's not exact and there are different breakdowns of each season. I'll use the simplest method I know, which is going by your hair. Obviously, if you dye your hair this gets screwy. You can use your natural hair color or whatever color it's currently dyed.

1. Is your hair light or dark?

This doesn't necessarily mean blonde or brunette, just whichever side of the lightness scale you fall under. If you are having a hard time deciding, look at yourself out of focus in a magnifying mirror (or by making your eyes go out of focus, if you can do that). Your hair will blend and make it easier to tell which side of the scale you fall under.

If your hair is light, go to 2. If dark, go to 3.

2. Light hair- Warm or Cool?

Hair that is warm will have touches of gold and red in it. Cool hair can be blonde or light brown, just no gold or red.

If your hair is light and warm, go to 4. If light and cool, go to 5.

3. Dark hair- Warm or Cool?

The same as light hair, you decide if your hair is warm or cool by the tones in it. If there is red or golden tones in your hair, it's warm. Cool and dark hair is absent of red and golden tones.

If your hair is dark and warm, go to 6. If dark and cool, go to 7.

4. Spring

Hello Spring. You have a bright and sunny coloration, and should wear clothes that appear bathed in sunlight. You'll receive compliments in bright shades like turquoise, salmon, and watermelon.

5. Summer

Hi Summer. You have the most delicate coloring of all the seasons. Avoiding harsh contrasts is key for you, you want to keep the entire look calm and in harmony. You look best in pastel shades like rose, periwinkle, and sage.

6. Autumn

Hola fellow Autumns :) Our natural coloring is earthy, golden, and natural. The Autumns of the world can wear muted and rich, warm colors like a fall landscape or exotic spices. Our best colors are autumn shades like moss, rust, and terra cotta.

7. Winter

Bonjour Winters. You have distinctive coloring, often high contrasting between your hair, skin, and eyes. You'll look amazing in bold colors like black, white, red, and jewel tones.

I'll be going into more depth in each season soon, including a fuller color palette and breaking down each season into subcategories. As I mentioned above, I'm an Autumn. Kysa's a Spring. What are you? Leave a comment below :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bleached Shorts

Hey guys! I have finally gotten to posting something cool! I thought I would try something different, and since I have no idea about fashion, I will probably be posting more DIY type posts. Oh, and I can do hairstyles too ;)
So this is a little different, Bleached shorts. But not completely. I got my inspiration from here>

The supplies you will need are:

Shorts/Pants (That have not been bleached very much already)
White distilled vinegar
A bucket
Scissors(optional if you already have shorts)
a stick
Rubber gloves
An old sponge(optional
rubber bands(optional)

Working with bleach can be a little dangerous, so make sure you wear gloves to protect your skin. I recommend doing this project outside if possible, but if not, make sure to do it somewhere well ventilated, like a bathroom with the fan on. Last thing is to make sure to wear old clothes while doing this, because it will BLEACH your clothes, hence it is bleach.

There are several different ways you can do this, You can roll it up into a ball and rubber band it, or similar tie die things, or just put it on the stick through the beltloops like this:
Then just dip it in the bucket like the link. ( you can also clothespin it if you'd like the line to be more even front to back)

However, I wanted it to be more controlled(ha, difficult) So I did mine a little differently. I laid my shorts flat on the (cement) ground, and put a little bleach in the bucket. With my rubber gloves on, I then took my sponge and dipped it in the bleach. I went for a fading look, with the most bleached on the bottom. To do this, I had the heavier concentration of bleach on the bottom, and put less and less towards the top. I rubberbanded my shorts at the top after I accordion folded them, then with the remaining 1.5 in left of bleach in the bucket, put them bottom down to soak for a while. HOWEVER, be very careful with this. Bleach will eventually eat away your fabric, if you leave it too long, you will end up with very weak denim, or holes in them. I did this, because I left right after I put them in, and got home later than expected. once I got home, I used my now poor sponge (I left it in the bleach accidentally) to go over the spots again to make sure I had the fading effect I wanted. 

After you are done bleaching, you will need to rinse your shorts with white distilled vinegar to stop the reaction of the bleach, or your shorts will eventually pretty much fall to pieces. 

Wash your shorts once or twice, and dry them, then they should be ready to wear!

These are how mine turned out: 

Pretty cool, huh? I think mine are cooler than the inspiration's ;)

I did leave mine in the bleach too long, so there is now a hole in the back, but I will put a cute patch there, then post a picture of me wearing them!

E-mail me your results if you try this out!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I am terribly sorry for leaving you guys for so long, unlike Hannah, I do not have a good excuse. Besides my birthday and being to talk to Q (if you know me you will know who this is;) I have just been plain lazy. Sorry :P

BUT Look at some of the cool stuff I've gotten.........

They are much cooler in real life. Shiny on left, sequins on the right. SO COOL. Best part? I got them both for a total of $14. Rue21 folks, go there.

I am in love with Dr. Pepper.... and, nail tutorial for that mani soon:) I may even do a craft involving turning aluminum cans into jewelry

Again, if you know me, you will understand how exciting this is. I have FINALLY gotten my electric bass. Isn't he handsome? :D

I promise I will post something worthwhile when I get back!

A Note to all Body Types

The key to wearing all clothes well is confidence. Having your head up, shoulders back, and knowing you look gorgeous. So even if you wear something that isn't on the 'To Do' list, if you wear it with confidence you will still look fabulous.

Dressing an Hourglass Body Type

Hello 8% of women. Congratulations, you already have what is considered to be the most desirable body type. Your goal now is just to flatter your curves.

If you've been reading the other body types' articles, you'll know by now to avoid patterns that go across. Baggy pants will eliminate curves, as will jackets that end on the butt. High necklines and shorter skirts throw curves out of balance.

A pinch at the midsection emphasizes a small waist. Dresses and tops that cross over chest are good for larger busts. V-necks and scoop necks too. Wrap tops and tie/belted waist tops show the evenness of curves. Single piece outfits don't break up a figure. Straight leg/slightly flared pants make legs look good.

Well Hourglass, I'll admit. I'm jealous of you. A review...

To Do

  • Draw attention to waist with belts and dresses that pinch at midsection
  • Dresses/tops that cross over chest
  • Vertical patterns
  • V-necks
  • Wrap tops
  • Tie/belted waist tops
  • Scoop necks
  • Single piece outfits
  • Straight leg
  • Slightly flared pants
To Don't
  • Patterns that go across
  • Baggy pants
  • High necklines
  • Shorter skirts
  • Jackets on the butt

Questions/comments, respond below or email me at

Dressing a Pear Body Type

An Hourglass is considered the most desirable body type, with even hips and bust. A Pear's goal is to slim the hips, thighs, and butt, and even out their upper body. A fairly easy body type to dress overall.

Tops that cross over the chest make the bust look smaller, if the bust is already small. Skinny jeans and flared pants emphasize the larger thighs/butt Pears have. The same as too tight clothes and skirts. As with everyone, horizontal patterns, particularly stripes, make you look wider.

The usual small waist of a Pear should be accentuated with belts and tops that pinch at the midsection. Straight leg and slightly flared pants, particularly if worn with heels, will slim the appearance of legs. To even out bust with hips, you want to draw the eyes up. This can be done with interesting necklines, scoop necks, v-necks, eye catching necklaces, dangly earrings. You want volume up top, puffy sleeves, big hats, etc. Subtle/neutral colors for the bottom half let the eyes go up. A-line skirts graze hips and thighs. Heels make legs look thinner.

So remember...

To Do
  • Draw to waist with belts and dresses that pinch at midsection
  • Straight leg
  • Slightly flared pants
  • Patterns that go down
  • Volume up top 
  • Interesting neckline
  • Scoop necks
  • V-necks
  • Cinched waist
  • Dangly earrings
  • Eye catching necklaces
  • Puffy sleeves
  • Subtle/neutral colors for bottom half
  • A-line skirts
  • Heels
To Don't
  • Dresses/tops that cross over chest
  • Skinny pants
  • Flared pants
  • Patterns that go across
  • Too tight clothes
  • Too tight skirts

If you have anything to comment about this post, respond below or email me at

Dressing an Apple Body Type

As for any body type, you want to draw to your good points and away from your bad ones. For an Apple, this means emphasizing legs, butt, and bust, and drawing from waist/abdomen. Perhaps not the easiest body type to dress, but not very difficult when you know what you're doing.

The biggest things to avoid for an Apple are tops that pinch at the waist, straight leg pants, skinny jeans, and patterns that go across. Okay, skinny jeans are okay as long as they go with the right top. But straight leg will do NOTHING for you. Horizontal patterns make you look bigger than you are.

Since what you SHOULD wear is always more fun to focus on, let's go to that. Apples, you want tops that will make you confident. Flowy tops that drape will distract from a larger waist. Dresses and tops that wrap over the best to accentuate a larger bust. Flared pants and wide leg will both make legs look good and keep top and bottom proportions even. V-necks and statement necklaces will draw the eyes up. Shirts lower than your hips and empire waist pieces will glide right over and Apples mid section. Full silhouette and higher waistline skirts are better skirt styles to go with. The best shoe styles are kitten heels and wedges.

To review...

To Do

  • Flowy tops that 'drape'
  • Dresses/tops that cross over chest
  • Flared pants
  • Patterns that go down
  • V-necks
  • Shirts lower than your hips
  • Statement necklaces
  • Empire waist
  • Wide leg capris
  • Wide leg pants
  • Skirts with full silhouette
  • Skirts with higher waist line
  • Kitten heels
  • Wedges
To Don't
  • Dresses that pinch at waist
  • Straight leg
  • Skinny pants
  • Patterns that go across

Questions, suggestions, or comments, emails me at or comment below.

Dressing a Banana Body Type

Also called a 'straight' of 'athletic' body type, the main goal for dressing a Banana is to exaggerate curves to avoid looking lanky or boyish. Luckily, that's a very easy thing to do :)

Things to avoid are dresses/tops that cross over the chest. This style makes a small bust look even smaller. Straight leg pants diminish curves and cuffing jeans cut leg length. Patterns that go horizontal, on tops or bottoms, make you look wider. Skinny jeans, unless with the right top, should be avoided. Chunky shoes, such as wedges or platforms, are a no.

But enough of what to AVOID, what should you look for? Belts and dresses/tops that pinch at the waist create curves. Flared pants and miniskirts show off those athletic legs. Patterns that go vertically elongate the body and make it appear thinner. For a feminine touch to avoid looking boyish, ruffles and lace. Tulip shape skirts and boot cut jeans are excellent bottom options. Dresses with detail and feminine prints, again to avoid looking boyish.

So to wrap up...

To Do

  • Create curves with belts and dresses that pinch at the waist
  • Flared pants
  • Miniskirts
  • Patterns that are vertical
  • Ruffles
  • Lace
  • Waist ties
  • Tulip shape skirts
  • Boot cut jeans
  • Dark pants
  • Dresses with details
  • Feminine prints
To Don't
  • Dresses/tops that cross over chest
  • Straight leg pants
  • Skinny jeans
  • Patterns that are horizontal
  • Cuffing jeans
  • Chunky shoes

If you have any questions or were confused on something, comment or email me at

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Hey guys sorry nothing has been posted recently. I've been with some ah, stuff, this past week. Emotional water slide doesn't equal motivation for posts. I'm not sure what Kysa's excuse is. But I promise I'll be getting up new stuff soon. Stay with me :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Identify your Body Type

So like I mentioned in my last post, one of the main things about finding what looks good on you is knowing your body type. Each and every body type had points they'll want to show off, and flaws they'll want to cover. 

Some people break body type down into 8, 10, 12 categories, but really there's four main body types:

Banana (rectangle): Also called a straight body type. Waist is less than 9 inches smaller than the hips or bust size. Body fat is fairly even distributed throughout the body, in the abdomen, butt, chest, and face. Those with a banana body type are generally on the thin side, but without many curves.

Apple (triangle downward): Those with an apple shape tend to have slimmer legs and thighs and narrower hips, while their chest/abdomen appear larger compared to the rest of the body. Weight is mainly carried in the abdomen, chest, and face. Lucky apples, you have nice legs. Always flaunt that.

Pear (triangle upward): Hips significantly wider than bust. Fat tends to go first to the butt, hips, and thighs. This body type generally have a relatively larger butt, robust thighs, and a smaller bust. Don't be ashamed of your curves ladies.

Hourglass (triangles facing in): Hips and bust are almost equal, with a narrow waist. Body fat is distributed in the upper and lower body, before areas such as waist and upper abdomen. Usually considered the 'best' figure to have. I just think it's funny all the body types are fruit, besides this one. Rebel!

When I say body fat in this, I'm not calling anyone fat. You have to have body fat. If you have curves, don't think you're fat. Be proud of yourself.

I'll talk about the best way to accentuate the fine points of each body type and cover maybe the not-so-fine points soon :)


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

~Intro to Fashion~

Look at the title of this blog. The secret is be you. Do you think I'm kidding? Cause I'm not. So many girls strive to be someone else. Let me tell you right now, it won't work. The only way to look and feel completely beautiful is by being YOU.

First part of being you: embracing you. Let me let you in on a little secret. Fashion Secret #1: Not all clothes and not all accessories will look good on everyone. What looks awesome on your friend may look horrid on you. Don't feel bad about yourself and get all depressed. That's just how it goes.

But how does that work, exactly? What makes the difference? Two big things: your coloring and your body type. Stick with me chickies and I'll take you though how to figure out your season and body type, how to pick out what colors work for you, and what clothes flatter you best.

Until next time <3


Summer Polka Dots

Summer colors and polka dots... 'nuff said.

Haha for this tutorial you'll need a base coat, white, hot pink, lime green, yellow, and top coat. It isn't necessary to have the thin tips (though it makes it easier), I picked the green for it's color.

If you want, have a layer of hardener first. I hate my nails breaking so I use it every time. Then, 1-2 coats of base coat. Once that's dry apply and opaque white, enough to have a solid cover (1-2 layers).

Next, take the hot pink polish. Let a dot of polish gather at the end of the brush, then make polka dots across each nail. Try to avoid letting the whole dot go on at once, the dot will be too big. Leave room for other colors as well.

Repeat for the lime green polish. Again, it isn't necessary to have a thin tip, but it does make it easier.

And once again with the yellow. Personally I think it looks better if the dots don't touch but at this point you may be running out of room. If they do touch it won't look bad I promise :)

These dots take a LONG time to dry, so beware. If you're in a hurry, maybe save this for another time, and don"t add top coat until they've all hardened. As always, 1-2 coats is good to seal in the design.

You can use any colors for this same design, I simply chose summery ones. Good luck :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Twisted French


   For this hair style, long to medium hair is best. You can try short, I'be never done it, it's hard to do on yourself. It will also be quite helpful if you know how to french braid. If you don't, hopefully you can catch on as we go along :)

Supplies you need for this are a small elastic, bobby pins, and a brush.comb. (accessories optional)

Part your hair to the side, and take a small section of hair then divide it into 3 equal parts.

Start as a normal braid, left over middle

as you braid, pick up small pieces of hair as you go along
you should end up having something similar to this
As you get to the back of your head, keep braiding, just start going sideways
keep braiding until you get to the end of your hair.  Then take a     small elastic and tie it off
lift your braid and bring it back towards the other side of your head.

Tuck the end of your braid behind another section of hair
Pin where needed (especially where your braid is tucked for security)
Add any accessories you'd like, if any!


(Hannah's head and hair :)

Rainbow Eyes

Requested by Savanna, here's a tutorial on how to do Rainbow Eyes. Ignore my various expressions in these pictures, it's awkward to position the camera to somewhat clearly see each step :P I know some of these are a little hard to see so just comment if you're confused on something :)

For this tutorial you'll need: Primer, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple eye shadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara. Concealer and foundation are optional.

First: Prime your eyes. Primer helps the color stay longer and not fade.

Next, apply white eye shadow all over your lids and below your lower lash line too. This will help the colors be brighter.

Remember, you're ignoring my expressions ^.^ Take the red eye shadow and apply it to the corner of your eyes, on the eyelid and below the lower lash line.

Continue with orange, trying to keep each color segment fairly equal in width. 

Do the same with each color along the rainbow. Remember to do below your eyes too :)

Time for eyeliner. Take the black eyeliner and line your water line (above your lower lashes). Careful not to poke yourself in the eye. I've done that before. Ouchie. Also line the outer edge of your top lashes, making a tight line. The eyeliner defines your eye shape.

Apply your favorite black mascara to your lashes and your done :D Enjoy your Rainbow Eyes, and thank you Savanna for the request!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Zoya Abstract Nails

So I got some new Zoya nail polishes in the mail the other day, and I really wanted to try them out with something cool and summery.

For this nail art, I used a base coat (not necessary) Zoya's Kimber, Zoya's Zuza, scotch tape, a thin tip silver, and a top coat.

I did one thick coat of the pink, but it would probably be better to do two thin coats
Next you want to take a strip of tape long enough to go across your nail diagonally. Press it down firmly and paint your nail the 2nd color where the tape doesn't cover.
It doesn't really matter if you take your tape off when the polish is wet or dry, but I usually do it when it's wet. Do this to all of your nails and this is what you should get...

Then with your thin tip silver, carefully line the diagonal with the silver lining. If you don't have a thin tipped silver (or whatever color you'd like to use) you can always take two strips of tape, and create a thin line by taping on either side of the diagonal and painting it that way. 

After the top coat- this is my final manicure :)
