Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bleached Shorts

Hey guys! I have finally gotten to posting something cool! I thought I would try something different, and since I have no idea about fashion, I will probably be posting more DIY type posts. Oh, and I can do hairstyles too ;)
So this is a little different, Bleached shorts. But not completely. I got my inspiration from here>http://universal-doll.com/2012/05/denim-diy-dip-dye-bleach-shorts/

The supplies you will need are:

Shorts/Pants (That have not been bleached very much already)
White distilled vinegar
A bucket
Scissors(optional if you already have shorts)
a stick
Rubber gloves
An old sponge(optional
rubber bands(optional)

Working with bleach can be a little dangerous, so make sure you wear gloves to protect your skin. I recommend doing this project outside if possible, but if not, make sure to do it somewhere well ventilated, like a bathroom with the fan on. Last thing is to make sure to wear old clothes while doing this, because it will BLEACH your clothes, hence it is bleach.

There are several different ways you can do this, You can roll it up into a ball and rubber band it, or similar tie die things, or just put it on the stick through the beltloops like this:
Then just dip it in the bucket like the link. ( you can also clothespin it if you'd like the line to be more even front to back)

However, I wanted it to be more controlled(ha, difficult) So I did mine a little differently. I laid my shorts flat on the (cement) ground, and put a little bleach in the bucket. With my rubber gloves on, I then took my sponge and dipped it in the bleach. I went for a fading look, with the most bleached on the bottom. To do this, I had the heavier concentration of bleach on the bottom, and put less and less towards the top. I rubberbanded my shorts at the top after I accordion folded them, then with the remaining 1.5 in left of bleach in the bucket, put them bottom down to soak for a while. HOWEVER, be very careful with this. Bleach will eventually eat away your fabric, if you leave it too long, you will end up with very weak denim, or holes in them. I did this, because I left right after I put them in, and got home later than expected. once I got home, I used my now poor sponge (I left it in the bleach accidentally) to go over the spots again to make sure I had the fading effect I wanted. 

After you are done bleaching, you will need to rinse your shorts with white distilled vinegar to stop the reaction of the bleach, or your shorts will eventually pretty much fall to pieces. 

Wash your shorts once or twice, and dry them, then they should be ready to wear!

These are how mine turned out: 

Pretty cool, huh? I think mine are cooler than the inspiration's ;)

I did leave mine in the bleach too long, so there is now a hole in the back, but I will put a cute patch there, then post a picture of me wearing them!

E-mail me your results if you try this out!


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